LinkedIn B2B Marketing

LinkedIn Is More Than Just A Social Network

Comparing LinkedIn as a Meta (formally Facebook) for the business world is incorrect. It has similarities with regards to other social media platforms like allowing postings on a social network, except it allows you to build your immediate social network and build meaningful connections and leads for you and your business.


Users of LinkedIn are more comfortable connecting with those they don’t know on LinkedIn than on other platforms. This creates an opportunity for LinkedIn B2B marketing, social selling, especially when using LinkedIn Premium and Sales Navigator and their many features.


The tools that you require for message automation and lead prospecting are extremely powerful.

From within LinkedIn, you can be very specific and target potential prospects with your advertising, message, and social selling.

Getting your LinkedIn B2B marketing message read

Hard-to-Reach Prospects

Getting your message read by the target persona isn’t always easy. To reach an MD or an executive, can be nigh impossible, and getting past the gatekeeper is a struggle in its own right. The dozens of unanswered calls and emails mean lost production time and nothing to show.

Shotgun Advertising approach

If you don’t reach your target market your advert failed. Most social media platforms apply the “shotgun” approach which is expensive and does not create great results and ROI.

LinkedIn is a more targeted approach with meaningful results.

Difficulty in identifying respondents

Poor lead visibility is a problem. The sequence of “click” a link, redirect to a webpage, fill in a form with your details usually means they leave anonymously without you being able to follow up.

Let us connect your business With LinkedIn B2B marketing

At YEBOIT, we understand business and the need to find potential clients and receive a detailed analysis of the marketing project within a reasonable budget. We have a deep understanding of using LinkedIn as a marketing tool. We create personalised LinkedIn outbound campaigns as it is one of the best B2B business marketing strategies that is available and measurable.

We’ll design your marketing campaigns within LinkedIn. They will be client persona targeted and should get you the results you want. No matter if your goal is brand awareness or prospecting utilising YEBOIT’S LinkedIn marketing services will create engagement and build your connections.

YEBOIT LinkedIn B2B Marketing Services Get Results

Consult & Set Objectives

We’ll consult, define your target market and personas. Determine and set your goals, and create a social marketing campaign to reach that market, either through LinkedIn ads, outbound messaging, Smart Links, or a combination of all three.

Identify Key Resources

YEBOIT will identify Resources that will be of interest to your target market. These resources will provide value to prospects, resulting in higher-quality engagement. If you don’t have the right Resources, YEBOIT will source them.

Handcraft Messages

YEBOIT will handcraft messages that are personalised for the campaign and target audience. Provide quality information and build your connections, credibility and offer solutions to the problems they’re experiencing.

Monitor, Evaluate & Optimise

YEBOIT will use all the available analytic tools to determine the reach of your ads or messages. Measuring engagement statistics such as reads, views of videos, shares, comments, and conversions.

Review, Makeover & Managing your Company Page

Keeping your company page up to date and relevant YEBOIT will perform tasks like posting, responding to interactions, and inviting connections, all of which will boost your profile and encourage engagement.

Review, Makeover & Optimising business and personal profiles

The various pages and profiles will be optimised to ensure those visiting your business or personal page correctly reflect your profile, expertise, and offerings. The reader must find what they’re looking for so as to ensure that a connection is made.

Sales & Marketing Reps Training

YEBOIT will provide personalised LinkedIn, and if required Sales training, to ensure that the teams capitalise on your LinkedIn campaigns.

YEBOIT will prepare them for social selling, LinkedIn outbound InMail and converting in-platform leads.

Do you want to schedule a ZOOM call?

YEBOIT wants to understand your LinkedIn B2B marketing, business and explore options to augment your marketing strategy. Send us an email….


Other services for B2B outsourced marketing

Speak with us & get started today!! Call Arnold at 083 778 4903

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